Kamis, 11 Juni 2015


Click to download the Buff Dude's 12 Week Home & Gym Plan .PDF!


Welcome to the B.U.F.F. (Better Understanding of Food & Fitness) Dudes 12 Week Home & Gym Workout Plan.

This workout program will consist of four phases, each phase lasting three weeks for a total of 12 weeks. Throughout the four phases you’ll be working on foundational building blocks, performance and the fine-tuning of your physique. The home portion of this program will not be focusing on strength or bulk due to our limited resources - we will not be using a squat rack, cable machines or traditional bench press in order to keep this plan simple & cost effective - but will be all about muscular endurance, pushing your body to the limit mentally & physically and getting in damn good shape.

Alternatively, we’ve also included a modified routine for those who prefer to work out in a commercial gym. Using this modified routine the purchase of additional equipment won’t be necessary and you’ll be using gym staples such as the Bench Press, Squat Rack and more.
Remember, the key to get the most out of this plan and working out in general is CONSISTENCY, DEDICATION, EDUCATION and the DESIRE to get your ass out of bed or off the couch everyday to hit the weights and get B.U.F.F. 

Although simplicity is one of the foundations of this plan you will need a few tools in order to properly complete it. Here is what we’ll be using over the course of the 12 Weeks:

  • Barbell (Plates Used With Barbell Will Be Determined by Lifters Personal Strength)
  • 2 Pairs of Dumbbells (Light Pair, Heavy Pair - Exact Weight To Be Determined by Lifters Personal Strength)
  • Resistance Bands
  • Medicine Ball
  • Parallette Bars
  • Ab Roller Wheel
  • Battle Ropes
  • Bench (You can use many different options to accomplish this. For instance we use an old camping cooler)
  • Weight Lifting Chain Belt
  • Foam Roller
  • Forearm Wrist Roller
  • Jump Rope* (*not required)
  • Arm Blaster
The total cost of all equipment will vary (we have DIY episodes on how to build your own Dumbbells, Parallette Bars, Forearm Wrist Roller, Battle Ropes and Ab Roller Wheel which you can find on our YouTube channel youtube.com/buffdudes) but you’ll most likely be looking at about $200-500 for the list above. For some this may be pricey (and keep in mind you could also accomplish all of this 12 Week Plan at your local gym without having to buy any additional equipment or you could also split the costs with a training partner) but the way we look at it is you’re making an investment in your future health & physical fitness. Not only that, but this equipment will be with you for many years to come as you progress on your B.U.F.F. journey. 


Due to the differences in body types, goals & other variables this 12 Week Home Workout Plan will not include a specific eating plan. That being said, you’ll want to focus on high fiber complex carbohydrates, maintaining a fair amount of protein and including healthy fats from nuts, coconut oil, salmon and more. You can find a great video we created with our general eating routine here: http://youtu.be/ZkzQpWObTz0

If you’re not sure how many calories you should be consuming, please check out these two links:

BMR Calculator:

Macro Nutrient Calcultaor:

To give you an example; we are both 6’2” inches (1,85 m) tall and between 210-220 pounds (95-100Kg). We typically consume around 2,500-3,000 calories a day in order to maintain our physiques.

Here is a sample of what our cutting routine looks like:

and here is a sample of our bulking diet:

Everyone is slightly different so use those two calculators above and take a look at your current eating schedule to get a good idea of what tweaks you can make; you don’t need to follow our maintaining and bulking plans exactly as they’re written; feel free to modify them as you see fit. Remember: eat more calories, gain weight. Eat less calories, lose weight. 


Throughout this plan we’ll be doing cardio immediately upon waking up for 30-45 minutes 3-4 days a week at a pace just fast enough to hold a conversation without running out of breath. Typically we’ll have 1 scoop of whey protein isolate before heading out for our morning walk.
if walking immediately upon waking up isn’t an option, as an alternate we’ll perform our cardio immediately following our workout for 30-45 minutes on a treadmill at 10% incline at 3.5 mph.
We like to keep our heart rate within 70-80% of our max capacity while performing cardio. To find out your heart rate max subtract your age from 220. For example, a 30 year old’s max HR would be 190. 70-80% of 190 is 133-152.

Keep in mind that this workout plan is high volume, high intensity so you’ll be getting a high amount of cardiovascular training during the workouts themselves. if you’re a hardgainer we’d recommend cutting out the cardio and just sticking with the 12 Week Home Workout Plan itself. 


You will want to start each workout in each phase with a 5-10 minute warm-up either with a fast walk, jog or jump rope. After waking your body up you’ll want to take a foam roller and begin to work on the body for about 5 minutes (about 10 rolls per body part). You’ll be concentrating on areas such as calves, hamstrings, quads, iT band, lumbar region and upper back/traps. Just imagine you’re giving yourself a mini massage. When you run into a particular spot that is tight, just hold the pressure of the foam roller until it releases. You can also incorporate dynamic warm-up exercises such as Jumping Jacks, Inchworm, and High Knee Walks as well, if you feel extra tight. Spend about 5 minutes on your dynamic warm-up. 

Lower Body (Click here for Lower Body YouTube Video
• Lateral Squats 1 x 20 (10 each side)
• Supine Bridge (glute bridge) 1 x 10
• Leg Swings - Side to Side 1 x 10 (each side)

 Front to Back 1 x 10 (each side) 
• Band Walks 1x10 step each direction
• Ankle Mobility 1x10 (Each Ankle)
Upper Body (Click here for Upper Body YouTube Video)
• Wall slides 1 x 10
• The Pass Through 1 x 10
• Band Pull Apart Underhand 1x10 Overhand 1 x 10
• T-spine Extensions 1 x 10* (opens up the thoracic spine) 

* The roller should start around the top of your shoulder blades but not on your neck. Perform a movement that is the opposite of a crunch, meaning focus on the extension and the stretch of your vertebral column. Complete about 10 reps and roll up a few inches and repeat. 1 set of 10 on each spot. 


Static stretching will be performed after every workout while the body and muscles are warm. Think of the muscles like spaghetti - if you try to bend them cold (uncooked) they will break but if you warm them up (cook them) they’ll easily bend and be flexible. The benefits of stretching are increased flexibility and range of motion, increased blood flow to the muscles being stretched, decrease postural deficiencies due to tightness in various muscles, and decrease delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), decrease pain in areas such as lower back, shoulder, knee etc.

We’ve included some of our favorite stretches, but feel free to add any that will help to key in on certain trouble areas. Each static stretch will be held for 10 - 30 seconds with sets of 1 - 3 depending on which areas are the most tight.

The Lunge Stretch
Hudson 7.jpgThis will focus on the hip flexors (Psoas) muscles. The tightness of this muscle is usually tied to lower back pain, so if you suffer from chronic lower back pain, this stretch will definitely help. Get in the Lunge position and bring one knee to the floor. Keep your torso vertical as you slowly push your hip forward. You should feel the stretch in your inner hip and quad muscle. As soon as you start to feel discomfort, stop and hold.
1 - 3 sets of 10 - 30 second holds each leg.

The Chest Stretch
Hudson 6.jpgThis one will be focusing on the Pectoralis Major. The anterior muscles tend to get worked a lot throughout the week, and have a habit of being overly tight causing Upper Cross Syndromeintroducing this stretch on a regular basis will help alleviate bad posture. Stand near a wall or pillar with your elbow bent and hand behind your head. Place your elbow onto the wall or
pillar and slowly lean forward until you feel slight discomfort in the Pectoralis. 1 - 3 sets of 10 - 30 second holds each side.

Latissimus Dorsi Stretch
Hudson 5.jpgThis is a BIG muscle group and needs attention like any other. Grab onto a pillar (or anything that can act as a grip) and slightly lean forward as you pull your hips back, creating a stretch in the Lat.
1 - 3 sets of 10 - 30 second holds each side. 

Shoulder Stretch
Hudson 4.jpgThe shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body, so you’ll need to make sure and take care of it. Not only do you want to keep the shoulder mobile, you also want to make sure and keep it flexible. Much like the Pectoralis Major; the Anterior Deltoid can cause Upper Cross Syndrome, so you’ll need to regularly introduce shoulder stretches to help with muscular imbalances and postural deficiencies.
1 - 3 sets of 10 - 30 second holds each side.

Forearm Stretch

Hudson 3.jpgThis will focus on the flexors of the forearm. it should look like you’re praying to the God of Gains. Keep your hands pressed tightly together as you bring them vertically down the body until your feel slight discomfort. This will increase blood flow and decrease tightness in the flexors of the forearm. if you feel your forearms fatiguing before your biceps during biceps curls, this stretch might be the cure. Having an overly tight muscle (in this case forearms) will decrease blood flow and decrease the amount of lactic acid that is being flushed out of the muscle. More lactic acid = more burn and fatigue. 1 - 3 sets of 10 - 30 second holds.

Cobra Stretch

Hudson 2.jpgThis stretch is a great way to target those abdominals. Start in the pushup position and drop your hips to the floor while keeping your arms straight. Arch the lower back and pull your chest upwards until you feel the stretch in your abdominal area. A lot of dudes and girls focus so much time into crunches, they forget that as the muscles get tighter, they shorten in length and start to pull your spine in an unnatural position; creating postural deficiencies. Work on the strength of the lower back and use the Cobra Stretch for a Buff Dudes approved posture. 1 - 3 sets of 10 - 30 second holds.

Rear Deltoid Stretch

Hudson 1.jpgThis will focus on the posterior muscles of the deltoid. Bring one arm across your body and gently hug the arm inward to the body until you feel the stretch. You might have to make slight adjustments to the angle to feel the full benefit.
1 - 3 sets of 10 - 30 second holds each side. 

Glute/Piriformis Stretch
Brandon 6.jpg
Another BiG muscle group that needs your attention
because of its involvement in so many movements in the
gym as well as day to day activities. Having tight glutes
can lead to the Piriformis effect of the Sciatic Nerve and

in some cases causing Sciatica, which is the leading
cause of lower back pain and includes symptoms such
as a shooting pain down your leg due to the nerve being pinched by the tightness of your piriformis. This stretch will help alleviate tightness and decrease pressure put on the sciatic nerve. Bring one leg in front of you with the knee bent, while the opposite leg straight behind you. Slowly sit into the leg that is in front until your feel a deep stretch and slight discomfort in the glute.

1- 3 sets of 10 - 30 second holds each side.

Floor Reach

Brandon 5.jpgTargeting on the Hamstrings and Lower Back muscles. The hamstrings help stabilize your knee joint, so you want to make sure they’re doing the job correctly. if the hamstrings are too tight you could suffer from knee pain because of the shortening of tight muscles, pulling on joints in an irregular manner, decreased ROM and blood flow causing the destabilization of
the knee. Keep your knees locked, feet flat and bend at the waist, reaching for the floor until your feel the stretch in your lower back and hamstrings. 1- 3 sets of 10 - 30 second holds.

Lower Back Stretch

Brandon 4.jpgThis will help relieve tightness in the Erector Spinae muscles. Sit on the floor and bring one knee up towards your chest and cross that foot over your leg that is straight out in front of you on the floor. Twist in the waist away from your leg, using the back of your arm to push against your raised leg, helping you rotate your torso. Make sure you feel this stretch in the muscle and not in the spine. 1 - 3 sets for 10 - 30 second holds each side.

Quad Stretch

Brandon 3.jpgMost dudes and girls are quad dominant and the quads are worked hard throughout the week inside the gym and out. Tight quads with weak hamstrings can cause increased chances of ACL injury. Tight quads can also affect the hips and when not taken care of can cause anterior pelvic tilt and rounding of the lower back. Stand on one foot and bending at the knee with the opposite leg, bring the foot to your glute, grabbing it with your hand and pulling into your glute till your feel the stretch and slight discomfort in the Quadricep. 1 - 3 set of 10 - 30 second holds each side.

Triceps Stretch
Brandon 2.jpgExtend both arms above your head and bend at the elbow with one, bringing the hand behind your head. With the other hand grab the elbow of the bent arm and apply inward and downward pressure until your feel the stretch in the Triceps Brachii.
1 - 3 sets of 10 - 30 second holds each side.

Neck Stretch

Brandon 1.jpgYou know that old saying “pain in the neck”? Well neck pain is something that everyone wants to avoid and with these stretches you’ll be able to in a few easy steps. First, gentle bring one ear to your shoulder by grabbing the top of your head and gently pulling downward, then switch to the next side. Bring your chin to your chest by grabbing the back of your head and
gently pulling forward. Pull your head back, raising your chin in the air, and finally bring your chin to your shoulder on both sides.1 - 3 sets of 10 - 30 seconds for each side.

A Quick Note Before We Begin...

Exercise is inherently strenuous and potentially dangerous. Consult your physician before starting any exercise program.

Buff Dudes are not responsible for injuries or health problems incurred as a result of exercise or related advice.

Stay Safe. Stay BUFF.


We’ve covered food, cardio, mobility, stretching & the required equipment we’ll need in order to complete the 12 Week Program. With those steps out of the way we are now ready to begin the plan itself, which will begin with Phase 1.

Here we go! 


We’ll be concentrating on foundational lifts and keying in on any imbalances or issues that you might have to work on before moving on into phases 2, 3 and 4. Everyone has to learn to walk before they can run and that is exactly what phase 1 is meant for. Even if you have been working out 5 days a week for several years, it is always a good idea to lower the intensity for a few weeks, increase the rest times between workouts giving your body more of a chance to recuperate and grow, almost like an active rest phase. This phase will get you into the habit of working out; in the process teaching you the basics of foundational lifting and the education to find weak points and fix them. Starting off at 3 days a week and working the entire body each day, you’ll want to focus on scheduling not only your workouts but also your eating habits that fit your personal lifestyle.

NOTE: in the Phase 1 Gym Edition you’ll be pyramiding up in weight as you decrease the reps each set. Try to reach close to failure at the end of the last rep in each set. This will push your strength limits and help you track your weight in each rep range. 

WEEKS 1-3 (PHASE 1):

(If you need help, click on an exercise to view its tutorial video. New tutorials added each week.)


*Lying on side externally rotating with dumbbell


*Lying on side externally rotating with dumbbell




*If you can’t perform dips, feel free to substitute with decline bench press. Same applies for dips throughout the rest of the program.  


Note: In phase 1, try to decrease your rest times as each week passes. Example: Let’s say you start out with 90 seconds rest between sets on the 1st week. Try to hit 60 seconds rest time between sets on the 2nd week, and 30 seconds rest time between sets on the 3rd week. If you want more of an advanced phase 1 (home edition), try to circuit train through the first four exercises back to back, with only a 90 second rest before starting the next round. After completing the 5 rounds of the first 4 exercises, you will then move onto the other exercises to finish up.

PHASE 2: Are you still with us? Great! In this phase you’ll now be splitting up the muscle groups into 4 days, concentrating on a major muscle group each day with more isolation exercises to enhance muscle recruitment and hypertrophy. Still focusing on main compound movements with the barbell and dumbbells but also incorporating calisthenics to increase the consumption of energy and decrease the need for equipment.

WEEKS 4-6 (PHASE 2):


  • Push-ups (parallette bars) 4x15//superset//Barbell floor press 4x15*

Note: concentrate on the stretch of the chest on the push-ups, while on the floor press; focus on the squeeze at the top position.

*Use parallette bars to rack and un-rack barbell.



*If you can’t perform Pull Ups, feel free to substitute with Pull Downs. Same applies for Pull Ups throughout the rest of the program.



  • Squats 4x12//super set//Jumping Split Squats 4x20*

*20 reps total equaling 10 reps each leg.

           **Use weight belt with chain.

  • Weighted Plank 3x30 seconds
  • Plyometric Sit-ups 3x20


  • Squats 4x12//super set//Jumping Split Squats 4x20*

*20 reps total equaling 10 reps each leg.

           **Use weight belt with chain.

  • Weighted Plank 3x30 seconds
  • Plyometric Sit-ups 3x20



PHASE 3: Now that you’re progressing into your 7th week of working out consistently, you should start feeling stronger not only in your muscles but also your cardiovascular system. We call it one step closer to becoming a Buff Dude or Grrrl.

Staying consistent with your dynamic warm-ups, foam rolling and mobility work, you’ll experience less DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and also feel better in your day-to-day activities. The intensity in phase 3 will increase, as well as the days you’re lifting; increasing to 5 days a week. Rest times are low while intensity and volume is high.




  • Squats 4x10//superset//Split Squat Twists 4x10(each side)
  • Single Leg Press 3x15 (each side)
  • Single Leg Hip Extension 4x10//superset//Goblet Squats 4x15
  • Single Leg Calf Raise 3x15 (each side)
  • Otis-ups 3x20


  • Assisted Single Arm Push-ups* 4x10 //superset//Barbell Bench 4x12

           *Using med-ball.

  • T-bar Row 4x12//super set//Pullovers 4x12
  • Incline Dumbbell Press* (wide to close) 4x15//superset//Body Weight Fly 4x10

*Using Med Ball for back support (against wall).


  • Dumbbell Fly 4x10 //superset//Barbell Bench 4x12
  • T-bar Row 4x12//super set//Pullovers 4x12
  • Incline Dumbbell Press (wide to close) 4x15//superset//Underhand Dumbbell Fly 4x10


  • Parallette Bar Pike Press 4x10
  • Alt. Seated Arnold Press 4x12//superset//Band Pull Apart 4x15
  • Single Arm Reverse Fly 3x10 (each side)//superset//Band Face Pulls 3x15
  • Dumbbell Shrugs 3x15//superset//Farmer Walk 3xfailure
  • Reverse Crunches 3x20
  • Windmill 3x15 (each side)


  • Seated Dumbbell Press 4x10
  • Single Arm Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10 (each side)//superset//Face Pulls 3x15
  • Dumbbell Shrugs 3x15//superset//Farmer Walk 3xfailure
  • Reverse Crunches 3x20
  • Windmill 3x15 (each side)


  • Reverse Grip Floor Press 4x15//superset//Reverse Grip Bent-over Row 4x15
  • Barbell Skull Crusher 3x12//superset//Arm Blaster Barbell Curl 3x12
  • Triceps Dips* (parallette bar) 3x15

*Feet on bench.

  • Hammer Curls 3x12
  • Standing Behind the Back Finger Curls 4x15
  • Wrist Roller 3 x 2 complete rolls


*Feet on bench.

  • Hammer Curls 3x12
  • Standing Behind the Back Finger Curls 4x15
  • Wrist Roller 3 x 2 complete rolls


        *Toes inward 10 reps, toes outward 10 reps.


  • Glute Bridges (weighted) 4x12//super set//Lying Hamstring Curl 4x10
  • Unilateral RDL 3x12 (each side)
  • Weighted Donkey Calf Raise 3x15
  • Standing Calf Raise 3x20*

        *Toes inward 10 reps, toes outward 10 reps.

PHASE 4: At this point your body should start feeling like a finely tuned machine that's ready for war. You’re the fearless leader in the battle of the weights and your body is winning. In this phase, you’ll be pulling out all the stops by incorporating the big compound movements, plyometric, calisthenics and supersets with very short rest times. In this 6 day split you’ll be hitting the major muscle groups twice a week and putting your body through a great deal of stress. The goal is that your work from phases 1-3 has prepared you for phase 4. You’ve taken on the minibosses, now it’s time for the Big Boss.

WEEKS 10-12 (PHASE 4)


  • Overhead Slam 4x15//superset//Pull-ups 4x12
  • Alt. Med Ball Push-ups 4x20//superset//Dumbbell Wide to Close Press 4x8 (16 total reps)
  • Straight Arm Pulldowns (band) 4x20//superset//Pendlay Row 4x12
  • Chest Dips 4x15//superset//Isometric Wipers 4x20
  • Hanging Leg Raise 3x15
  • Band Wood Chops 3x15


  • Straight Arm Pull Downs 4x15//superset//Pull-ups 4x12
  • Alt. Dumbbell Press 4x10 (each side)//superset//Dumbbell Wide to Close Press 4x8 (16 total reps)
  • Face Pull 4x12//superset//Pendlay Row 4x12
  • Chest Dips 4x15//superset//Pull Over 4x12
  • Hanging Leg Raise 3x15
  • Band Wood Chops 3x15


  • Squats 4x25
  • Walking Lunges 4x20*//superset//Barbell Hack Squats 4x15

          *10 steps each way

             *Barbell held on thighs.

  • Otis Ups 3x15
  • Russian Twists 3x20 (10 reps each side)


  • Squats 4x15,10,8,4
  • Walking Lunges 4x20*//superset//Barbell Hack Squats 4x15

          *10 steps each way


  • Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 4x12//superset//Alt. Upright Row 4x12
  • Band Face Pulls 3x15//superset//Bent Over Front/Lateral/Reverse Raise 3x5
  • Steering Wheels 3x20 (10 each side)//superset//Lateral Raise 3x15
  • Rear Shrugs (barbell) 4x15
  • Band External Rotations 3x12 (each side)
  • Weighted Planks 3x30sec//superset//Mountain Climbers 3x30sec


  • Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 4x12,10,8,6//superset//Alt. Upright Row 4x12
  • Face Pulls 3x10//superset//Bent Over Front/Lateral/Reverse Raise 3x5
  • Steering Wheels 3x20 (10 each side)//superset//Lateral Raise 3x15
  • Rear Shrugs (barbell) 4x15
  • Cable External Rotations 3x12 (each side)
  • Weighted Planks 3x30sec//superset//Mountain Climbers 3x30sec


  • Close Grip Barbell Press 4x15//superset//Weighted Chin Ups 4x15
  • Bilateral Kickbacks 3x15//superset//Plate Pinch Reverse Curl 3x15
  • Floor Skullcrusher 3x10//superset//Barbell Curl (drop set) 3x3 drops until failure*
  • Wrist Roller 3x failure  

*load the bar with enough weight so the muscles will fail at around 8-10 repetitions, immediately decrease the weight and perform the exercise until failure is reached again, drop the weight again and repeat for a third time until complete failure.


  • Close Grip Barbell Press 4x15//superset//Weighted Chin Ups 4x15
  • Bilateral Kickbacks 3x15//superset//Plate Pinch Reverse Curl 3x15
  • Skullcrusher 3x10//superset//Barbell Curl (drop set) 3x3 drops until failure*
  • Wrist Roller 3x failure  

*load the bar with enough weight so the muscles will fail at around 8-10 repetitions, immediately decrease the weight and perform the exercise until failure is reached again, drop the weight again and repeat for a third time until complete failure.


  • Barbell Deadlift 4x15//superset//Barbell Bench 4x15
  • Dumbbell Unilateral Row 3x15//superset//Dumbbell Unilateral Press 3x15
  • Barbell Pullover 3x15//superset//Band Flyes 3x15
  • Pull-Ups 3x failure//superset// Push-ups 3x failure
  • Double Crunch 3x15
  • Oblique Crunch 3x20



  • Iron Cross 4x15//superset//Dumbbell Swings 4x15
  • Plyo Bulgarian Split Squats 3x10(each side)//superset//Unilateral RDL 3x10(each side)
  • Arnold Press 3x15//superset//Single Arm Bent Over Lateral Raise 3x12
  • Farmer Squats 3x15//superset//Farmer Walks 3x1 minute
  • Reverse Upright Row 3x12//superset//Plate Front Raise 3x12
  • Weighted Crunch 3x10
  • Lying Leg Raise w/Hip Thrust 3x15


  • Leg Press 4x15,12,10,8//superset//Dumbbell Swings 4x15
  • Bulgarian Split Squats 3x10(each side)//superset//Unilateral RDL 3x10(each side)
  • Arnold Press 3x10//superset//Single Arm Bent Over Lateral Raise 3x12
  • Farmer Squats 3x10//superset//Farmer Walks 3x1 minute
  • Reverse Upright Row 3x12//superset//Plate Front Raise 3x12
  • Weighted Crunch 3x10
  • Lying Leg Raise w/Hip Thrust 3x15


We hope you enjoyed our 12 Week Home Workout Plan. By following the plan and mixing in proper eating and rest you are now one big step closer to becoming a Buff Dude or Grrrl and we congratulate you on the hard work, consistency and determination to better yourself. Having a Better Understanding of Food & Fitness isn’t easy and if it was, everyone would be doing it. You’re a rare breed and for that we single bicep salute you!

This plan was designed by brothers Brandon & Hudson White, better known as the B.U.F.F. Dudes. We don’t charge for our 12 Week Plan but if you’d like to show your support feel free to grab one of our t-shirts or tank tops here http://store.buff-dudes.com or make a donation by clicking “support” on our YouTube page at http://www.youtube.com/buffdudes.

Thank you, enjoy the plan and most importantly…


And don't forget! 
If you need additional help, make sure and check out our Frequently Asked Questions and Gym Lingo pages!

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